No Fuss Dinner - Tofu Stir-fry

No Fuss Dinner

Some nights are busier than others, and I don't have the time to carefully chop and assemble all of my food ingredients, which I usually like to do! The other night was wild, because my boyfriend had to take his dinner break earlier than planned, and we only had one car, so I had to throw together food really quickly with not a lot of notice. 

Usually when this happens, I'll have a "lazy meal" of sorts which is either microwaved leftovers, a sandwich, or something like that, but I was really craving something with a more complex flavour profile. 

This is also super easy to customise, as I just used the random vegetables I had in the fridge and freezer!

This took about 5-10 minutes to throw together including taking the picture!


1/2 brick of tofu (approx 1 cup) crumbled. Just break bits off.
1/2 cup frozen broccoli
2 handfuls of spinach
1/4 cup shredded carrot
1/4 onion (chopped)
garlic powder
1/2 cup mushrooms (roughly chopped)
2 tbsp soyaki sauce (or some other variety)
1 tbsp tahini


1. Heat a pan to high, add all of the ingredients as you chop them up. Lol
I'd recommend starting with the onion and tofu, and then tossing everything else in as you go!


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