Double Chocolate Cookies

Double Chocolate Cookies
Vegan, Gluten-Free
No oil, soy, or refined sugars


1 can black beans (low sodium, strained, rinsed)
1/2 cup cocoa powder
1/3 maple syrup 
2 tbsp flax or chia seeds
2 tbsp almond butter
1/4-1/2 cup of enjoy life mini chips


1.) Blend all ingredients except the chocolate chips in a blender or food processor. 
2.) Mix in the chocolate chips!
3.) Scoop out a small amount and flatten on a parchment paper lined baking sheet. 
4.) Cook for ~20 minutes at 375 degrees F. 
5.) Let cool completely.

Yield: 15 medium sized cookies 

I like to store mine in the refrigerator! They have lots of nutrients and are a great way to get some extra energy in the middle of the day. Because maple syrup has a low glycemic index, you don’t have to worry about a sugar rush/crash!

They kind of remind be of chocolate brownie Clif bars, but contain way fewer ingredients, and are a bit easier to chew. No dates, oats, or cane sugar either!


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