Antioxidant Oatmeal

Antioxidant Oatmeal

     Antioxidants are one of the ways to measure how "healthy" a specific type of food is. We live in a polluted world, and by increasing our antioxidant intake, we can protect ourselves against free radicals and the oxidation of molecules in the body. Simply eating more antioxidant rich foods can help protect against: heart problems, eye problems, memory issues, mood disorders, and immune system weakness.
     A quick tip on how to spot antioxidant rich foods: Always found in fruits and vegetables! Look for the fruits and vegetables with the most dark and vibrant colours, they have the most antioxidants. Also, if they don't start to brown when they're exposed to oxygen, then they are especially powerful! For example, red onions have more antioxidants than white onions, and purple grapes have more antioxidants than white grapes.
     Some of the highest sources of antioxidants that people have easy access to are blackberries and blueberries. Also, if you opt for the frozen versions you can save some money and not worry about any going bad! As Dr. Greger would say, you can get the "nutritional bang for your buck!
     Here's a quick and simple oatmeal recipe that's both beautiful and full of nutrients!

Yield: 1 serving


1/2 cup oats
1/4 cup frozen blackberries and blueberries
1 tsp cinnamon 
2 tbsp almond butter


1. Boil the oats with 1 cup of water, and all other ingredients. Cook until thick and creamy. 
2. Top with extra berries if desired, or even some raw almonds for texture. 

Super quick and simple, and more importantly: healthy and delicious!


If you make this recipe, make sure to tag me on Instagram at @ThatPiperGirll

I believe that healthy, plant-based recipes should be available to ALL people, and that's why I started a blog instead of releasing a recipe book, which was highly requested among my Facebook friends and Instagram followers. If you do want to support me, you can make monthly or one time donations on my Patreon account. I thank you in advance for your support!


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