Banana Froyo

Banana Froyo
with homemade granola
     When I first found out that I was lactose intolerant, I tried to satisfy my ice cream cravings with frozen yogurt, because it would supposedly not bother me. While yogurt does have some health benefits due to its probiotics, it still contains dairy, which will still have a negative effect on someone who can't digest lactose.
     Luckily, these live cultures don't only work to turn dairy milk into yogurt! On the market today there's hemp milk yogurt, almond milk yogurt, soy milk yogurt, and many more. My absolute favourite is vanilla coconut milk yogurt from the brand So Delicious, which I used in this recipe!
     This has all of the good features of froyo, with none of the bad. It's low in added sugar (mainly fruit sweetened) and good for the gut. Plus, it tastes like dessert, and that's the important part, right?!

Yield: 2 servings


5 frozen bananas
1 ripe banana
1 container of coconut yogurt
Splash of almond or coconut milk
2 tbsp peanut butter (melted)


1. Place bananas, yogurt, and almond milk in a food processor or blender
2. Top with homemade granola and extra banana slices
3. Pour melted peanut butter over top (it will solidify!)


If you make this recipe, make sure to tag me on Instagram at @ThatPiperGirll

I believe that healthy, plant-based recipes should be available to ALL people, and that's why I started a blog instead of releasing a recipe book, which was highly requested among my Facebook friends and Instagram followers. If you do want to support me, you can make monthly or one time donations on my Patreon account. I thank you in advance for your support!


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