The Bowser (Super Mario Series #3)

The Bowser

     Welcome back to the blog! This week I'm introducing a weird little smoothie to you that is called "The Bowser." This is the third smoothie of ten in my Super Mario Bros smoothie series, and if you missed the other two, you can find them linked below!
     The Bowser was a tricky one to design because I wanted a strong yellow colour, but I didn't want to include any orange juice or it would be too similar to another smoothie coming up in this series. After some trial and error, I came up with the perfect combination of ingredients, and I'm so happy with the result! Don't be worried by some of the ingredients. They may not be 'typical' smoothie foods, but they work very well in the Bowser!

Try the Mario
Try the Luigi

Yield: 1 meal // or // two snacks


1/4 cup chickpeas 
(These must be low sodium, strained, and rinsed!)
1 frozen banana
1 cup frozen mango
1/4 tsp turmeric
1-2 tbsp lemon juice
1/2 cup almond or coconut milk


1. Blend the chickpeas with 1/4 cup of water until smooth.
2. Add all other ingredients and blend!

Don't let the chickpeas and turmeric intimidate you, this smoothie tastes amazing! It reminds be of a banana-mango lemonade type thing. :)


If you make this recipe, make sure to tag me on Instagram at @ThatPiperGirll

I believe that healthy, plant-based recipes should be available to ALL people, and that's why I started a blog instead of releasing a recipe book, which was highly requested among my Facebook friends and Instagram followers. If you do want to support me, you can make monthly or one time donations on my Patreon account. I thank you in advance for your support!


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